Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sound of Music in Salzburg

Salzburg was great, although a little rainy and cold! It was too bad that we couldn't do the whole make our own dinner thing, but, dinner at the hostel was great. We just hung out until Elizabeth joined us around midnight and walked her back to the hostel (to avoid another Vienna-esque disaster).

We got up nice and early Thursday to be downstairs in time for our 9am Sound of Music tour. Our guide, Peter, was a bit of a character. His accent was really hard to place, which is apparently due to his combination of American dad and Austrian mom. He kept making bad jokes, but, his knowledge of Sound of Music sights and trivia was perfect. The 3 of us zipped around Salzburg and the foothills with 2 couples in a tiny little red van. It was absolutely beautiful and I loved seeing sights that I had only ever seen on a tv screen before. After the tour, we walked around Salzburg a bit, but finally gave in to the rain and headed back to the hostel to rest and have an early dinner since we also had to get up early Friday to walk back to the train station to catch our train to Munich.

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