Sunday, November 16, 2008

Charming Prague

As I mentioned, I slept a ton on the night train to Prague and thus the trip was already off to a great start! We had a bit of a struggle finding the ATM and lugging our bags on to the metro, but once we found our stop, finding our hostel was really easy. And in case I haven't gushed enough...the hostel was AMAZING. It was the most expensive place I've stayed, but even at 45 USD a night, it was a relative bargain and totally worth it. We had our own double with two twin beds, a fridge, and our own bathroom. The only downside was that the light in the bathroom was motion activated and for some reason, it would cut off after you were in the shower for more than 5 minutes. was really cute, internet was free, and I am so glad Allie recommended it!

Our entire time in Prague, we didn't really have a well-planned agenda...Kelly had been busy with classes/exams before the break and I was in a particularly bad/apathetic mood leading up to it, so neither of us did a lot of research. Luckily our hostel gave us a great map with all the must-see sites illustrated, so each day we just picked an area with a lot of sites and poked around. We had all sorts of luckily finds--a castle that was way better than the acclaimed Prague Castle, STARBUCKS!, and the famous Astronomical Clock right before it was set to do its thing on the hour. The weather was pretty mild-cloudy our first day, rainy/gross our second, but sunny and beautiful the third. We stuck close to the hostel when it got dark out--after all, we were two girls alone in Eastern Europe! Luckily there was a great local pub (where we tried Czech beer and got chicken and potatoes for about 6 USD) and a Mexican restaurant near the hostel. Really the only bummers of the trip were when we walked ALL the way to the Prague Market only to find it closed and the sketchy taxi ride we took from our hostel to the train station. It was really hard to leave Prague and it didn't help that our train ride was a little rough since we spent the first hour or so sitting on these tiny little "extra" seats in the hall of the train until a compartment opened up.

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