Sunday, November 16, 2008

Ambivalent about Vienna

We got in to Vienna around 10:30pm and started the adventure to find our next hostel. We took a tram to a relatively major street and found the hostel with basically no trouble, despite how questionable the neighborhood seemed. Too good to be true, right? Well, Elizabeth wasn't at the hostel despite having arrived at 1pm. She texted us to let us know she was at the local train station and was lost. So we tried to text her directions, but that didn't work, so we set out looking for her at midnight in a bad part of town. It took us almost an hour to find her because our text messaging was so delayed but luckily we eventually met up and made our way back to the hostel.

Monday we headed to the main sights inside "the Ring," poked around the snack market and had lunch, then met up with Ana and Rhianna (who had come in via night train early Monday morning) around 5:30 to take the U out to the Flow House. Kelly's friend Katie is studying there this semester, so she gave us a tour, then joined us at Fischerbraue (a local restaurant that my friend Will recommended). We hung out at Flow House for a bit after, then Elizabeth and I headed back to get some sleep. It was interesting seeing the Flow House (the third and final Wake house I've seen)'s probably the nicest of the three in terms of decorations, however it's location is less convenient than Casa Artom. Nevertheless, it feels the most home-y and the group has a totally different feel (much less dramatic) than ours.

Tuesday we got up and met up with Ana and Rhianna to head out to Schonbrun (a palace outside the city). The grounds were beautiful and we found a zoo!! We spent a few hours being entirely captivated by the adorable animals before giving in to the cold and heading back to Vienna proper for a light lunch at Starbucks. After Starbucks, Elizabeth went to visit a few music-related museums while the rest of us shopped (a lot) before dinner.

Wednesday Kelly, Rhianna, Ana, and I went to the Belvedere, then for one last stop at Starbucks before meeting up with Elizabeth for lunch at this cute Austrian cafe. Elizabeth went on to another museum while Kelly and I ran a few errands (grocery, camera shop to put my pictures on a CD since my camera couldn't hold all of them, etc) then caught a 2:45 train to Salzburg.

Vienna didn't do much for me (sorry Will D) wasn't as charming, colorful, or pleasant as Prague and I just didn't love it. I didn't hate it either, and I had a great time with the girls, especially on our little Starbucks and shopping adventures, but it wasn't a place I'd visit again.

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