Friday, January 5, 2007

counting down the days

i leave in about eight days to live here for four months (i think my room is the third window from the left hand side of the house)! i'll be living with 19 other students, the professor, his wife, and their 2 young kids for the all sounds a little mtv "real world" ish, if you've ever seen the show.

i thought this would be a good way to keep everyone updated without clogging up your inboxes since you all know how long winded i can be. but, by all means, still feel free to email/IM me or send me snail mail! the address at the house is:

Casa Artom
Dorsoduro 699
Venezia 30123

(make sure it's "air mail" or they say it can take up to 3 months to arrive)

so for the next 7 days, i'll be watching as much american tv as possible, using the phone as much as possible, hanging out with my family til they're sick of me...anything and everything that i won't get to do in italy. oh, and trying to figure out how to get my life across the ocean in 2 suitcases (advice is welcome).

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