Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I forgot to mention that I've gotten a lot of mail in the past few days...a Halloween card from Nanny Carolyn and Grandpa Bob, a Thanksgiving card from Aunt Cheryl and Uncle Mike, and a letter from Scrolfes and it has MADE MY DAY! I'm serious...I'm such a huge dork, I know, but we all know this by now and I've never claimed to be anything to the contrary! I just love getting mail...every letter I've gotten this semester is tacked to this cute bulletin board they put up in my room and it makes me so happy to be able to look up there and see all the love in the form of cute stationary : ) It's always nice to know there's a package on the way (thanks Mom and Dad) or a letter that should be arriving soon (thanks Nina!), but surprise mail is great, too, and so I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has sent me something--I hope you've all gotten my postcards!

Also, the Christmas decorations were a big hit : ) It makes me happy to see everyone get a little Christmas spirit, even if all it took was a few twinkle lights and some sparkly ribbon. I'm definitely a lot more excited about Thanksgiving now, because I was worried that people would be a little down since we aren't at home and that no matter how hard I worked, it just wouldn't be special... BUT, based on the reaction to just a few small decorations, I think that I don't need to worry about that. Don't get me wrong, I have an obscene amount of logistics to work out (oven schedule anyone? no...maybe you want to help me divy up the paltry collection of pots, pans, and serving dishes? or, you could help me compose the "common ingredient" list to figure out how much flour, eggs, butter, and sugar we need...), but, I'm definitely the girl for the job (after all, "organized" might as well be my middle name) and I'm dorkily excited to figure it all out (there may or may not be a color coded, multi-tabed spreadsheet called "Thanksgiving" already in the works...). Oh and I get to do some fun, slightly secretive house-gift buying today, which is always exciting (when it comes to Christmas, am I my mother's child or what? ps-Mom, you'd have died at the ribbon/gift wrap selection at Panorama yesterday...). Anyways, I included a few pictures of our little decorations-the lights, the little ornaments on everyone's door, and our little Christmas countdown snowman : )

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